the president
Princess Facen, President
Welcome to the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Chapter of the National Association of Black Military Women (NABMW) website. It is my absolute honor to serve as the Chapter’s First President. Our Chapter was Chartered on 27 February 2021, at the height of the Covid-19 epidemic, with 42 members.
The organization's overarching mission is to seek out, tell, and record the history of Black Military Women. This is a major focus for the association because there has been so little written or documented about African American women's contribution to our armed services. Our goal is to capture and contribute more to service the needs of our female veterans in health and wellness, in conjunction with servicing the needs of the homeless, providing focused educational programs for our youth, seniors, and underserved population. Needless to say, there were many challenges during the first year of our existence. However, we have learned a great deal about the women pioneers who contributed and paved the way before us, so we could further benefit and make it better for those who follow. We hope you, too, will benefit and learn about the histories by visiting our site and reading shared available, documented resources. It should be noted that women of all ethnic backgrounds have made strides in breaking down many barriers in our services through collective contributions and collectively gaining the respect of our Comrades in Arms. Again, thank you for your continued support in advance.
AS NOTED ON OUR NATIONAL WEBSITE ( Photos and images are from the National Archives, The Naval History Center, The U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Defense Visual Information Center, and the personal collections of many women and men. This site is for, and about black military women - by an organization of military women, family, and friends who are committed to seeking out the history of black military women who served our country.
The National Association of Black Military Women website supports the organization’s mission - to seek out, tell and record the history of Black Military Women. In addition, we use various public information tools (newspapers, websites, books, documentaries, and other media avenues) to search for information about Black Military Women.​
A lot of personal military history information is provided by specific individuals through NABMW journal and membership. We do not take responsibility for the validity of any information provided to us from these individuals or from public information postings from tools listed above.
The source of all information provided on this website will be listed. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is displayed without profit or payment, for those with an interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
Princess Facen, President
Colonel (Retired) RN