In 2019 at the Black Caucus Conference three members met with the National NABMW President, Patricia Kelley and The Northeast Regional Director, Catherine LaPorte to discuss an interest in standing up a chapter in the Capital Region. The three members were, Sharon Drummer, Dee Richardson and Princess Facen. Several months passed before we had a group meet to form a cluster group to move our idea further regarding establishing a Chapter. At the height of Covid-19, in the summer of 2020, Jacqueline Nichols joined forces with us as a transfer-in from the NYC Chapter. An application was submitted, and policies and By-laws were established for the new group. On July 31, 2020, our cluster group officially became District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) Cluster#101. After numerous Zoom meetings and telephone calls we actively started recruiting for members in November 2020. At the end December 2020, we had in excess of 12 members. By late January our numbers for members had grown to 23. On 27 February 2021 42 Charter Members were inducted into the DMV Chapter of the National Ass ociation of Black Military Women. Since induction the chapter has quickly become a part of the communities. The organization supports various veterans' activities throughout the DMV area and have partnered with other organization in the area with like focus and goals. The DMV Chapter is led by Princess Facen as the first President; Teresa Polk, Vice President; Lorna Chapmon, Secretary; Sharon Rogers Drummer, Treasurer; Jacqueline Nichols, Membership Chair; Lucretia McClenney, Historian; Dorene Hurt, Assistant Historian; Angeline Hemingway, Chaplain, Cathy N. Troutman, Public Relations Officer; and Dee Richardson, Parliamentarian.
The Foundering Members are:
Adams-Ender, Clara BG (R) Army Member
Bell, Debulon E., LTC (R) Army Member
Bilal, Arneshuia, CPT (R) Army Member
Bowles, Joyce, COL (R) Army Member
Bryant-Radshid, Margaret, (Mrs.) DHA Associate Member
Chatmon, Lorna, COL (R) Army Secretary
Cobbs, LaShonda, COL (R) Member
Cumbo, Jacqueline COL (R) Member
Collins, Sharon, (Civilian) Army Member
Dickerson, Tonya, COL Army Member
Douglas, Tracy, COL (R) Army Member
Douglas Kerellius, Nancy, CDR (R) Navy
Evans, Deloise. MAJ (R) Air Force
Facen, Princess COL (R) Army President
Fox, Leanna, COL (R) Army Member
Hemingway, Angelene, COL (R) Army Chaplain
Hunt, Dorene, COL (R) Army Assistant Historian
Jones, Carol A., COL (R) Army Member
McClenney, Lucretia, COL (R) Army Historian
Minter, Jacqueline Joy, LTC (R) Army
Napper, Joy, COL (R) Army Member
22. Nichols, Jacqueline, LTC (R) Army Membership Chair
23. Plumber, Jacqueline, (Mrs.) Army Associate Member
24. Polk, Teresa, MAJ (R) Army Vice-President
25. Price (Barnes), Saundra, LTC (R) Army
26. Reese, Ritza, COL (R) Army Member
27. Richardson, Dee, (Mrs.) Army Associate Member
28. Riley, Yvette, LTC (R) Army Assistant Secretary
29. Robinson-Curry, Jennifer, COL (R) Army Member
30. Rogers-Drummer, Sharon, MAJ (R) Army Treasurer
31. Scofield, Krystal, LTC (R) Army Member
32. Shambley, Joyce, LTC (R) Army Member
33. Simmons, Bettye, BG (R) Army Member
34. Tarrant, Karena, LTC (R) Army Member
35. Trass, Deidre, (Mrs.) DOD Associate Member
36. Troutman, Cathy, LTC (R) Army Public Relations Officer
37. Walker, Suzanne, LTC (R) Army Member
38. Weatherington, Lisa, COL (R) Army Member
39. Wilkerson, Carol, COL (R) Army Member
40. Wimbush, Carolyn, LTC (R) Army Member
41. Winfree, Juanita, COL (R) Army Member