COL (Ret) Ritza Reese

Rank: Colonel
SSI (Officers):
Military Branch: Army
Time in Service: 26 Years
Personal History: Colonel (Ret) Ritza Reese was raised in Queens Village, New York. She entered the Army as a Private First Class (PFC) in the split option program. She completed basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey in 1983. She later transitioned to ROTC, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in May 1985. She received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the State University of Brockport, New York, and a Master of Science Degree in Nursing Administration/Nursing Education from the University of Maryland. Colonel (Ret) Reese honorably served her country for 26 years, and retired on January 1, 2012. Colonel (Ret) Reese is the proud parent of an active duty Army Nurse Corps Captain, currently deployed in support of Operation Inherent Freedom.
Duty Assignments: Colonel (Ret) Reese assignment highlights includes both military and civilian work experiences. Her civilian experience includes Program Manager for Healthcare Resolution Services, Clinical Nurse Supervisor for the Armed Forces Retirement Home, and more recently as the Joint Commission Nurse Consultant at Kimbrough Army Health Clinic. She served in several key leadership roles to include director for the most diverse nursing section at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Chief Nurse for the 47th Combat Support Hospital and the 62nd Medical Brigade at FT Lewis, Washington. Special projects included Nurse Educator for the Comprehensive Medical In- Processing Program, Tripler Hi, OIC for Referral Coordination Program, WRAMC, Clinical Coordinator, WRAMC, Assistant Quality Management, Landstuhl Germany (LRMC), JCAHO Consultant, LRMC, Chief Accreditation Readiness WRAMC, Director, Clinical and Business Operation for the North Atlantic Regional Medical Command (NARMC), Deputy Commander for Nursing and Patient Services at Andrew Rader US Army Health Clinic at FT Myer. COL (Ret) Reese has attended the AMEDD Officer Basic and Advance Courses, the Head Nurse Course, Combined Arms and Services Staff School, Pediatric Nurse course, Advance Nurse Leadership course, TO&E Senior Medical Leaders Training Course, the Casualty Assistance Officers Training Course, the Joint Operations Medical Managers Course, the Joint Combat Trauma Course, the AMEDD Executive Skills Course, the Medical Executive Skills Course at Uniform Services University of Health Sciences, and Command and General Staff College. COL Reese also completed a one year Training with Industry Fellowship with the Joint Commission In 2004.
Organization/Positions/Assignments in which you were a FIRST: N/A
Awards: Her awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Meritorious Service Ribbon (4OLC), Army Commendation Medal (5 OLC), Army Achievement Ribbon (3 OLC), Armed Forces Reserve Medal, National Defense Service Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Overseas Service Ribbon, (1OLC) and the Medical Department Order of Military Medical Merit.
Other Professional Affiliations: COL (Ret) Reese’s Professional activities include the American Organization of Executive Nurses, American Association of Managed Care Nurses, Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing and she is also an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Professional Service Sorority. Colonel Retired Reese is currently active in civic engagement within her community, her church and her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority INC.